Mailing address:
Morris + Stoltz LLP
480 University Avenue, Suite 604
Toronto, ON M5G 1V2
Call our general line: 416.862.1070
Call our lawyers:
- Ken Morris: 416.862.8320
- Lori Stoltz: 416.862.1078
- Kelly Hayden: 416.945.1955
Call our legal assistants:
- Karalyssa Ntanas: 647.503.5104 (Legal Assistant to Lori Stoltz)
- Stephanie Armstrong: 647.503.6277 (Legal Assistant to Ken Morris and Kelly Hayden)
Call our law clerk:
- Laura Boswell: 647.499.1467
- 416.364.2188
IMPORTANT: Please note that contacting Morris + Stoltz LLP by e-mail does not mean that we are your lawyers. Individuals or organizations do not become clients of Morris + Stoltz LLP unless and until we specifically agree to act for the individual or organization concerned, and that representation is confirmed in a retainer agreement or retainer letter or by other specific written confirmation of the retainer from Morris + Stoltz LLP. Unless you are an existing client, no information provided in an e-mail will be considered confidential. If you are not a client of Morris + Stoltz LLP you should not send confidential information to us without our prior agreement or consent.